Monday, January 25, 2010

OpEdNews - Article: KEITH OLBERMAN SAID IT RIGHT, & We see "Worst Media Coverage on the newest Supreme Court DECISION in USA ever"

OpEdNews - Article: KEITH OLBERMAN SAID IT RIGHT, & We see "Worst Media Coverage on the newest Supreme Court DECISION in USA ever"

However, Keith Olberman of MSNBC's Countdown gave an outstanding talk on TV today stating that if the Supreme Court had thrown out all spending caps in professional football, all the Sports media would be up in arms and wondering what would become of the smaller NFL franchises once players and teams had the right to gather and spend as much as they want from any source. Yet, as Olberman noted, "The [USA] political press greeted it [Supreme Court Decision] with a Yawn."

Earlier, in the same program, Olberman had warned the USA rightwing pundits to note that the Roberts' US Supreme Court--America's most activist supposedly conservative court ever--had opened the door to Venezuelan-owned owned CITGO throwing its money around in USA elections.


Similarly, like in the USA football parable noted above--Olberman added that whereby the Green Bay Packers would be forever-bankrupted by such Supreme Court activists if the Court chose to meddle in NFL football agreements the way it has in American election regulations, almost all USA political parties may be wiped from the map:

Good-bye Republicans, Good-bye Democrats, Good-by any hoped-for progressive third party.

Bob Edgar of Common Cause added, "We have to immediately press Congress to pass the Fair Elections Now Act -- public financing of campaigns. It's the only way ordinary people can have a fighting chance that we won't be completely overwhelmed by special interests. We also must make it clear that corporations, unions, or anyone else exploiting the Roberts Court's indefensible ruling will be exposed to public scrutiny. ...

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