Sunday, October 14, 2007

There must be an absolute ban on torture. ... painful physical and psychological tactics at the same time, “including head-slapping, simulated drownin

Op-Ed: It’s Time to End Torture | By William H. Neukom, President, American Bar Association

A hallmark of the rule of law is that a nation’s laws must be fair, public, and apply equally to everyone, including the government itself.

Recent news articles indicate that the opposite is happening with respect to torture. Secret Justice Department opinions have allowed this practice to continue—despite U.S. and international law, and despite the U.S. military’s opposition to mistreating prisoners.

According to the reports, one Justice Department opinion explicitly authorized the CIA to use multiple painful physical and psychological tactics at the same time, “including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures.”
It is time for our nation to have one clear law for all Americans. Congress must eliminate any exceptions or loopholes that violate our nation’s values. There must be an absolute ban on torture.

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